
What Is The Point Of Learning Music Theory, If You Can Make A Dope Beat Without It?

 Music theory is a crucial part of creating professional music, regardless if you're using a D.A.W. (Digital Audio Workstation) or an old 8-track mixer. Grasping the basics of music theory can be extremely useful for bedroom producers, beat makers, computer music enthusiasts, or musicians in general. Going forward, there are some very important things to consider in order to master composing fuller, more dynamic compositions. To be clear, music theory is the study of music, which includes the structure and composition of music, its notation, and its performance. It is not just about writing and playing music, but it is also about understanding how music works and how to create it. Music theory is a complicated topic that has many different branches, but it can be broken down into a few different areas. The most basic area of music theory is the musical notation, which is the study of symbols that represent musical sounds. This includes the notes of a piece of music as well as the t

Wanna Make Money As An Independent Artist? Time To Focus On Growing A Loyal Audience.

       Savvy independent artists are always looking for new and innovative ways to turn their passion for music and self expression into dollars . Most are at the point where they're not big enough or well known enough to sell out arenas, get paid for appearances or have the fan base to sell millions of albums but the bills keep coming. It is time to get creative and think outside the box in this  full time hustle as an indie rap artist.  The first thing needed is the relentless desire to achieve the goal of becoming a rap artist. That burning desire and passion within you to write rhymes and share your story with the world, is what you need to stay the course. You have to care only about  becoming a rapper or you will never make it. You may as well go apply for a  job at some warehouse because becoming successful rapping takes passion, perseverance and dedication. MARKETING & BRANDING: One of the first tasks you should take on is understanding and creating a marketing plan whi